Tynemouth Winter Gala

When Saturday, November 26, 2022 Category Gala
Until Sunday, November 27, 2022

Tynemouth are holding their level 3 Winter Gala on the 26th and 27th November.


Age as at 27th November 2022.


As this is a first come, first served gala, the closing date for entries is 25th October 2022.


We will be continuing to trial the online entry form for this event, which can be found here The online form is intuitive, but to complete an entry, simply click on the above link and 

  1. On the first page, enter your email address, the swimmers name, ASA membership number and gender, then click on "Next"
  2. You will then be presented with a filtered events list based on the swimmers gender
  3. Click to check the box next to any event you wish to enter
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Complete the payment type and amount fields (numeric only) and optionally set the "Send me a copy of my responses" to get a copy of the form via email
  6. Click "Submit" and you'll be directed to a confirmation page Your entry will then be electronically recorded and submitted to the Competition Secretary for processing and submission to Tynemouth

Meet Information .docx
STSC Entry Form   Link
Results Session 1 .pdf
Results Session 2 .pdf
Results Session 3 .pdf
Results Session 4

Warm up times as follows:

Sat (AM) 08:30am for 09:30am Start

Sat (PM) 12:00pm for 01:00pm Start

Sun (AM) 08:30am for 09:30am Start

Sun (PM) 12:00pm for 01:00pm Start


Location Details

Street/Post Code Preston North Road North Shields NE29 9PX

No map available

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