Tynemouth ASC Autumn Gala 2014

When Friday, October 17, 2014 Category Gala
Until Sunday, October 19, 2014

Tynemouth ASC are holding their Autumn Gala on 17th, 18th and 19th October 2014.

This meet includes a distance session on the Friday evening.

Age as at 19th October 2014.

Schedule of Events .pdf
Qualifying Times .pdf
Conditions .pdf
Accepted Entries .pdf
Psych Sheet .pdf
Results .pdf
Results (including split times) .pdf


Tynemouth ASC have confirmed that there are no rejections for this meet.  See accepted entries list above. 

Adjusted timings will be as follows:-

Friday night Warm-up 18.05 - 18.29


Start 18.30 (1500m - 3 heats) (800m - 7 heats) Last heat due to start 21.15
Saturday am Warm-up 9.00


Start 10.00 (Finish approx. 12.00 LUNCH)
Saturday pm Warm-up 13.00


Start 14.00 (Finish approx. 15.45)
Sunday am Warm-up 9.00


Start 10.00 (Finish 12.00 *BREAK)
Sunday pm Start 12.30 (Finish approx. 13.30)


*There will not be 2 full sessions with a normal lunch time on Sunday, but a 30 minute break at 12.00 which will allow swimmers to warm-up if necessary.

Location Details

Street/Post Code Tynemouth Swimming Pool, Preston North Road, North Shields, NE29 9PX
Town/City North Shields

No map available

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